New signage at Gove Airport
7 August 2024The Aviation team is proud to announce re-designed and overhauled signage at Gove Airport.
Roadworks on Melville Bay Road
1 August 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation has engaged contractors to conduct grading of Melville Bay Road.
Sum-up of the 2024 June/July School Holiday Program
25 July 2024This is the wrap-up video of our June/July School Holiday program for 2024, set to Best Bits by King Stingray.
Rubbish collection for Darwin Show Day
24 July 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation wishes to advise all residents of changes to rubbish collection for the Darwin Show Day public holiday.
Town Lagoon tours re-starting!
22 July 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation is proud to announce the re-commencement of the Town Lagoon Tours!
Angel Flight - request for volunteer pilots
18 July 2024Angel Flight is looking for volunteer pilots to fly between Darwin and Gove.
Roll-out of bin sticker program for road safety
12 July 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation is rolling out a road safety initiative in collaboration with NTG to encourage safe driving in Nhulunbuy.
August Twilight Community Markets
10 July 2024The August Community Markets will take place on Saturday the 10th of August.
ALPC to re-commence regular mosquito fogging
21 June 2024With the Dry Season bringing an end to rainfall, ALPC will be commencing mosquito fogging in numerous areas.
June-July School Holiday Program
18 June 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation is very happy to announce 23 events over the course of 3 weeks, as part of the June-July School Holiday Program.
Town Lagoon re-opened for Dry Season
17 June 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation would like to advise residents and visitors that the Town Lagoon has now been re-opened for pedestrian access.
Congratulations to 16 new Australian Citizens!
13 June 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation would like to congratulate 16 residents of Nhulunbuy who recently became Australian citizens.
Gove Airport lighting tower upgrade
6 June 2024The Gove Airport team is proud to announce the completion of an upgrade to lighting at the Gove Airport.
Position closed: Customer Service Officer
28 May 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation is seeking a Customer Service Officer to join the Corporate Services Team.
June Twilight Community Markets
27 May 2024The June Community Markets will take place on Saturday the 15th of June, from 4PM to 7PM.
Meter reads for Quarter 2 of 2024 underway soon
24 May 2024The Nhulunbuy Corporation advises residents of upcoming reads to occur to electricity meters.
EOI: Asbestos Dumping Opportunity for Businesses
22 May 2024Businesses in Nhulunbuy and the Gove Peninsula will have an opportunity to dispose of asbestos throughout a one-week period in June (exact dates TBC). If your business is interested, please contact the Nhulunbuy Corporation.
Millie the Breast Screen Truck at Gove District Hospital
21 May 2024The Pink Truck has returned to Nhulunbuy, providing free breast cancer screenings to women aged 50-74.
Nhulunbuy Corporation offers a unique and inclusive platform for community news stories and upcoming events. We also utilise various social media platforms to promote, inform and engage with residents.