The Town Lagoon has been re-opened!

The Town Lagoon is an ecologically thriving lagoon in Nhulunbuy. It comprises of a brackish water ecosystem. It is bound on 4 sides by the Nhulunbuy Town Beach, Wirrwawuy, Jasper Road and Beagle Circuit, and the Gove Peninsula Golf Club.
A walking trail of approximately 3.4km takes residents and visitors from the parking lot opposite the Nhulunbuy Primary School along a track with signage covering flora and fauna. There are also a number of bird watching hides along the walking trail which can be accessed. Information brochures are available at the Nhulunbuy Corporation office on Westal Street. Maintenance to this trail, the signage and bird watching hides is conducted by the Nhulunbuy Corporation. Matters that may affect safety should be reported to the Nhulunbuy Corporation immediately.
The trail does not accept unauthorised motorised vehicles, including cars, motorbikes, ATVs or quad bikes. Access by NCL staff and contractors occurs by arrangement.
Access to the Town Lagoon is dependent on rainfall levels. During the Wet Season, or periods of heavy rainfall, access to the walking trail will be cut off by a gate for safety reasons. It is common for a waterway to form between the Arafura Sea from the Town Beach and the Town Lagoon during the Wet Season.
Flora and Fauna
The Town Lagoon has a wealth of biodiversity in terms of both plant and animal life. For more information, the Nhulunbuy Corporation sells the informational book 'Bush Food and Medicine from North-East Arnhem Land'.
Crocodile management operations occur throughout much of the year in the Town Lagoon. This involves crocodile traps, which can be placed in a number of locations adjacent to the walking trail. Please do not disturb these traps in any way.
Mosquito fogging operations also occur throughout any part of the year when the walking trail is accessible. It is advised that residents do not utilise the walking trail during fogging operations, to avoid disturbance.

Town Lagoon Tours (Dry Season only)
The Nhulunbuy Corporation's Animal Management Officer runs walking tours of the Town Lagoon up to once a week, dependent on demand. This tour covers bush medicine/tucker, animal conservation and history of Macassan Sea Traders.
For more information or for bookings, please contact the Nhulunbuy Corporation at Additional information about our tours for 2024 can be found here.
The Town Lagoon (Gayngaru) is an ecologically thriving area of East Arnhem Land, located within the boundaries of Nhulunbuy itself.