Summary of the Nhulunbuy district local Coronavirus Outbreak Plan

The Northern Territory Government, the Land Councils and Aboriginal Medical Services Associated of the NT (AMSANT), working with many local organisations like Miwatj Health, Laynhapuy Health, Rirratjingu, Gumatj and East Arnhem Regional Council, have made two plans about what to do if coronavirus comes to the region. You might hear people talking about the ‘Remote Communities Outbreak Management Plan’ or ‘Local Pandemic Plans’. These are the names of two plans which are connected – we will think of these combined plans as one ‘local coronavirus outbreak plan’.

To Download the Nhulunbuy District Coronavirus Outbreak Plan please Click Here

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Tools & Principles of the local Coronavirus Outbreak Plans

Each community and homeland will start to follow their coronavirus plan when doctors know one person has coronavirus in East Arnhem Land.
You should have a separate document that is a summary of your community’s local coronavirus outbreak plan.
These plans all share the same tools and principles. This document talks about these tools and principles.

To Download the Tools and Principles of the local Coronavirus Outbreak Plans please Click Here