How are my rates calculated?

The Nhulunbuy Corporation uses an equity-based system to charge rates. Generally, the principle is that higher value properties pay a higher share of rates. All rates are calculated based on the Unimproved Capital Value (UCV) of a property which is determined through a valuation process every three years. The UCV is then multiplied by the Rate in the Dollar. For example:

Unimproved Capital Value of a property is $300,000
Example using 2020 data;
Rate in the Dollar is 0.03996 (including GST).
$300,000 x 0.03996 = $11,988.00 (General Rate)

UCV Assessments

The basis for valuations for statutory purposes in the Northern Territory of Australia Valuation of Land Act as set in force at 2 June 2014. Under the Act, the unimproved capital value of land is defined as “the capital sum which the ‘leasehold’ of the land might be expected to realise, assuming that any improvements had not been made. This valuation is based on the Analysed Sales Movement methodology by zone, if offered for sale on such reasonable terms and conditions as a seller in good faith would require. UCV assessments are current for 3 years. The most recent assessment was undertaken in 2022 for application to the  years of 2023, 2024, and 2025.  

How is the rate in the dollar determined?

The Rate in the Dollar is determined by dividing the total rate revenue required to fund the Nhulunbuy Corporations projected operating budget by the total Unimproved Capital Value of all rateable properties in the town. The revenue required may vary due to the operating costs and capital requirements for the Town and Industrial lease areas.

What are my rates used for?

The Nhulunbuy Corporation needs to charge rates to raise revenue so we can provide services and infrastructure to
the community. Each year as part of the budget process, we decide the rates and charges for the financial year.
The level of rates that sub-lease holders must pay is at the discretion of the Corporation with approval granted by
the Board of Directors.

Rates are not refective of the services used by any particular property but contribute to the whole communities
use of Nhulunbuy Corporation services just like the taxes paid to the Australian Government contribute to a range
of government activities.

Rates funds are used to maintain, improve and provide services and facilities for Nhulunbuy, Gove Airport and the
Industrial Estate.

Rates are a tax that is usually based on the values of properties. Being a tax, the rates paid may not relate directly to the services, infrastructure or facilities used by each ratepayer. For instance, not all ratepayers will use parks, the Nhulunbuy Aquatic Centre or cycle paths and it is not possible for many services (such as walkway lighting) to be charged out on an individual basis .

However, all residents and businesses in the town make use of our services, infrastructure or facilities at some point in time regardless of where they live. This would include driving on roads, using parking space, putting rubbish in a public bin and benefitting from walkway lighting.

What are the Rubbish Service Charge and the Tip Levy?

A Rubbish Service Charge is applied to all properties where a kerbside waste collection service is available, including vacant land.

A Tip Levy Charge is applied to all commercial and industrial properties, per unit.

The revenue from these charges is used to provide kerbside collection at residential properties, waste management
services and to maintain the Gove Peninsula Waste Management Facility.

Financial difficulties

Ratepayers who are not in a position to settle their rate account in full or in two instalments due to hardship are
encouraged to contact us on 08 8939 2200 or email to arrange a payment agreement with the
Nhulunbuy Corporation.

Pensioner and carer rebates

Eligible pensioner and carers are entitled to a concession on rates which must be paid in full to the Nhulunbuy
Corporation first. Eligible ratepayers can then contact the Pension and Carers Concession Scheme to obtain a refund.

Postal Address: GPO Box 40596
Casuarina NT 0811
Telephone: 1800 777 704

Palmerston Community
Care Centre: 08 8999 3344
For more information visit NT Pension and Concession Schemes.

The Nhulunbuy Corporation collects rates to help fund the growing number of public services delivered to ratepayers
and residents, and the infrastructure needed to enhance the lifestyle of our town. Approximately half of the Corporation's
revenue comes from rates.
The Nhulunbuy Corporation issues rate notices in January by mail and email each year. The rating year commences 1 January
and concludes 31 December.