Waste Collection

The Nhulunbuy Corporation is dedicated to reducing waste and providing quality services. All residential properties have included in their rates a standard residential waste fee which covers collection of a 140L general waste bin twice a week. Collections occur each Tuesday and Friday and are undertaken by Arnhem Land Pest Control on behalf of the Nhulunbuy Corporation. Public holidays can affect the day Rubbish Collection occurs. Notification regarding Rubbish Collection on public holidays will be provided on the Nhulunbuy Corporation's Facebook page.

Please note, the 140L bin provided to your property is the standard size. Other bins will not be picked up. If you require an additional bin, a request must be submitted by your landlord or property manager, as extra fees will apply for the pick-up of an additional bin. To ensure compliance with this regulation, NCL perform regular audits to ensure residents are not putting out additional bins which do not have a collection fee paid for. Please note: household waste can be disposed of for free at the Waste Management Facility.

Unwrapped rubbish can attract flies and result in unwanted smells so it is important to wrap garbage tightly, especially in Nhulunbuy’s warm tropical climate. Placing a suitable pesticide product inside the bin to guard against maggots and flies is also recommended. Always keep the wheelie bin lid closed, hose it out on a regular basis and clean it thoroughly with antiseptic solution at least once a month. After cleaning it is a good idea to air the empty bin for at least 24 hours.

Missed Collection

If your domestic bin is not collected on collection day, it may be for one of these reasons:

  • The lid is not completely closed on your bin
  • Your bin is packed with heavy items (over 80kg)
  • Rubbish has been stacked on top of or beside bin
  • Rubbish has been jammed too tightly into bin
  • A vehicle was parked in front of your bin, and the truck is unable to gain access
  • Rocks or weights have been placed on top of the bin

All bins are to be placed on the property verge by 6am each collection day and removed from the verge within a reasonable period after its collection. Rubbish bins must not permanently remain on the kerb.

For properties in Cul-de-sacs, please place these bins on the left side of the road, relative to the entrance of the street, prior to the rounded turnaround area. This is to ensure the bins can be easily and safely collected in confined areas, as the majority of Cul-de-sacs in Nhulunbuy were designed prior to the widespread use of rubbish trucks. 

It is an offence to place any domestic waste out for collection unless it is contained in a Corporation issued garbage bin. On the spot fines may be issued to those residents who fail to comply.

For missed collection, please call Arnhem Land Pest Control on (08) 8987 3900.

Damage bins and bin replacement

Repeated emptying and exposure to the elements will cause cumulative damage to a wheelie bin over its lifetime. You can expect your rubbish bin to last up to a decade. 

If your bin has lost a wheel/s or lid, or the hinges of the lid has sustained damage, this can be repaired. If there is damage sustained to the body of the bin, a replacement would be needed instead. If your rubbish bin is damaged or requires replacement, please contact your relevant property manager or landlord.

If you are a property manager, landlord or property owner, please submit this form to action a bin replacement. A bin repair can be actioned by submitting an email to office@ncl.net.au.

All garbage trucks are equipped with surveillance cameras. 

Disposal of batteries and e-Waste

There is a significant risk of fire associated with disposal of lithium batteries and other assorted items of e-Waste into your residential bin. Under no circumstances should batteries or e-Waste be thrown into your bin. Many local councils have experienced significant damage or destruction of rubbish trucks due to fires caused by batteries. The Waste Management Facility accepts these, but must be declared upon arrival at the WMF office.

The Nhulunbuy Corporation provides waste disposal services in Nhulunbuy.